I Remember My World: The Journey To 'La Conferencia Secreta Del Toto's Bar' - Part Two (July 1967)
July proved to be a much more productive period for the group, being the first full month of work the band had on the project with five documented recording sessions taking place between the 3rd and the 21st. This month also saw the release of the Hallelujah song in numerous territories such as the United States, a held over track from the group’s recording session at Venezuela on the 19th of February 1967 which also produced the single’s B-side (although several European countries would end up using Let Me Tell You off the Shakers For You album as its B-side instead). It appears at this point in time that Hallelujah would be an intended part of Toto’s Bar tracklisting, being inserted into an early work-in-progress reel dated the 2nd of September 1967 but ultimately not being included on the rough mono mix of the album created later on the 30th of November 1967. The group’s first appearance into the studio this month was on the 3rd of July to record a composition entitled Candombe ...